Follow These Steps to Prevent Bali Belly

Bali Belly Prevention: Stay Healthy on Your Bali Adventure

Are you planning a trip to the beautiful island of Bali? Exciting times lie ahead as you prepare to immerse yourself in the rich culture, stunning beaches, and delicious cuisine. To ensure that your Bali adventure is memorable for all the right reasons, it's important to take steps to prevent a common travel ailment known as Bali Belly. We've put together some valuable tips and guidelines to help you stay healthy during your time in Bali.

Drink Bottled Water:

Staying hydrated is key, especially in Bali's tropical climate. Opt for clean, bottled water to quench your thirst and avoid tap water, which may be a potential source of contamination.

Use Bottled Water for Brushing Teeth:

When it comes to maintaining good oral hygiene during your stay in Bali, it's recommended to use bottled water for brushing your teeth. While the tap water in Bali is generally safe for showering and bathing, it may not be suitable for direct consumption or oral care. Using bottled water for brushing your teeth helps minimize the risk of ingesting any potential contaminants that could be present in the tap water. By opting for bottled water, you can ensure that you are using clean and safe water for your dental hygiene routine.

Eat at Trusted Establishments:

When dining out, choose reputable restaurants that maintain high hygiene standards. If you're eager to try street food, opt for busy vendors with high turnover, as it indicates fresher and safer food options.

Wash Your Hands Regularly:

Frequent handwashing with soap and water is essential, especially before eating or touching your face. This simple practice can help prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses.

Be Cautious with Raw Foods:

it's advisable to exercise caution with raw foods, as they may increase the risk of contamination. Opting for a $1 sushi roll from a restaurant with low turnover may pose a higher risk of foodborne illnesses. To ensure your safety, it's recommended to choose reputable establishments with a high turnover rate for raw food options. Look for restaurants that prioritize food safety and follow strict hygiene practices

Avoid Overconsumption of Alcohol:

Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system and make you more susceptible to illness. Enjoy alcoholic beverages in moderation and remember to stay hydrated with water in between.

Stay Mindful of Shower Water:

While enjoying your stay in Bali, it's important to be aware of the potential risk of swallowing water while showering. Although the tap water in Bali is generally safe for showering and bathing, it's best to avoid swallowing the water as it may contain bacteria or other contaminants that can lead to gastrointestinal issues.

Use Hand Sanitizer:

Carry a travel-sized hand sanitizer with you for those instances when handwashing facilities are not readily available. It's a convenient way to keep your hands clean and germ-free.

Consider Probiotics:

Adding probiotics to your diet before and during your trip can help maintain a healthy balance of gut bacteria and support your digestive system. here’s a link to our blog about probiotics CLICK HERE

By following these preventive measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of experiencing Bali Belly and enjoy your Bali adventure to the fullest. However, if you do happen to fall ill, our team of experienced doctors at Bali Belly Doctor is here to provide prompt and professional medical care.

Remember, prevention is key! Take care of your health, stay informed, and make the most of your Bali experience. Have a safe and enjoyable trip!